Browse for shows
You can browse categories and collections of TV shows, movies, and streaming videos to find just what you're looking for.
This feature is available on:
- TiVo BOLT® (all models)
- TiVo Roamio® (all models)
- TiVo Premiere (all models)
- TiVo Mini
Browsing TV & movies
Browse specific categories of TV shows and movies, and find something to watch right now!
- From the TiVo Central screen, select "Search, OnePass, & Manage" then select "Browse TV & Movies."
- Browse for shows in any of the following groups:
- New & Notable: Browse a rotating selection of shows and movies that are timely, trendy, or just plain fun.
- Box Sets: See all of the movies in your favorite franchises together in one
place. - Collections: Browse shows that are grouped by related subject matter, like holiday movies or trendy topics.
- Movies: Browse movies that are available either on channels you receive or from video on demand.
- TV: Browse upcoming TV shows that are available either on channels you receive or from video on demand.
- Sports: Browse upcoming sporting events that are available either on channels you receive or from video on demand.
- Once you find a show to record, select it to view its information screen. From there, you can record the next episode, schedule a OnePass, view upcoming episodes, view bonus features, and more.